Third batch of speakers announced

Petar Atanasovski – The Art of Proactive Support


I am leading the Customer Happiness Team at ManageWP (Devana Technologies). Former president of AIESEC in Serbia, love water polo, playing guitar and exploring new business trends. When I am not working on Customer Experience, I enjoy developing people, creating new products and making the world a better place.

Twitter: @AtanasovskiP


Maja Žikić – WordPress magija: 7 koraka do savršeno optimizovanog sadržaja za oflajn publiku


Pisac i profesionalni bloger. Entuzijasta po pitanju kreiranja sadržaja, ali i njegovog strateškog planiranja. Dugogodišnji zaljubljenik u WordPress.

Twitter: @MajaZikic


Nemanja Aleksic – Being a WordPress Professional


Growth Engineer at Devana Technologies & ManageWP. Started messing with computers back when dinosaurs roamed the land and ZX Spectrum was the shit. Curious and stubborn. Father and husband, and loving every second of it.

Twitter: @kouteki_


Bojan Petrović – Is that a WordPress theme feature and why it isn’t?


Co-founder and WordPress developer at Meks, crafting premium WordPress themes for thousands of users worldwide. 

He has been involved in the business since 2009. Creating themes, plugins and services on top of WordPress, continuously aiming to choose best approaches and work smarter, not harder. 

Twitter: @mekshq