
WordPress 101 – from my point of view (Serbian)

How did I get dragged into the world of WordPress and ended up loving it from the very first start

Hello WordPress

Welcome to WordPress. How To Start, How To Use and How To Make the Money by using it.

Contributors magic – Workshop

The art of public speaking

Contributors Day – Closing


Closing remarks

Opening remarks case study

“Telegraf case study” is a presentation about news portal startup which scaled to the biggest WordPress news website in Serbia, with more than 1.000.000 users per day in just three years.

The Art of Proactive Support

We will talk about growing your WordPress customer base by proactively improving the experience of your customers. I will introduce best practices for providing Proactive Customer Support for a WordPress startup and the impact it has on your WordPress business.

We will cover the tools, examples, tips and tricks and how to transform your CS team from a “necessary evil” to the backbone of your business.

WordPress magija: 7 koraka do savršeno optimizovanog sadržaja za oflajn publiku (Serbian)

Kreiranje sadržaja koji se visoko kotira na stranicama pretraživača zahteva dosta truda. Zaista dosta truda. Dobro su nam poznati benefiti koje optimizacija sadržaja donosi, ipak, ponekad nam se može učiniti da kada se utrkuju rad na optimizaciji sadržaja i razvoj kvalitetnog proizvoda nešto mora da trpi posledice. Ukoliko ovo začinite sa svakodnevnim izazovima koje donosi rad na akviziciji novih korisnika, naročito ako se oni pretežno nalaze oflajn, preostaće vam jedino da se zapitate šta je to što možete učiniti? Moja prezentacija biće zasnovana na primeru Farmije i koracima koje smo preduzeli ne bi li nam sadržaj doneo kvalitetne korisnike.

Being a WordPress Professional

The terms “WordPress expert” and “WordPress professional” are thrown around all the time. Sadly, a lot of so called professionals don’t live up to the expectations.

We’re going to talk about what it means to be a WordPress professional, what your client expects from a professional, and how being a professional can get you paid better.

Is that a WordPress theme feature and why it isn’t? (Serbian)

Many people still don’t understand the main conceptual difference between WordPress theme and a plugin. This topic will shed light on common-sense approaches while developing WordPress themes, aiming mutual satisfaction for both, a developer and an end-customer.

Also, the topic will cover several “do and don’t” examples from a strong personal experience in WordPress themes development, suitable for beginners as well as experienced developers still doing the things “the wrong way”.

My contributor story

I have contributed since 2009 to WordPress and related projects. I have done some great things for WordPress like rewriting the image manipulation API and leading GlotPress for a long while. But I had also issues during the time where I also got kicked out of GlotPress.

During this talk I will tell my honest story about how things got started till what I’m doing today.

How to grow your business by producing quality blog posts

Blogs are perceived as non-fee earners, as it were, and reasonable questions are asked about how blogging will add value to the bottom line. Can a business blog directly generate revenue and how? My presentation will discuss the essential role blogging plays in lead generation, community building, customer support and establishing authority. Blogging is about driving long-term results; so be patient and get your Blog On!

The WordPress Developer’s Toolkit

Full stack of useful developer tools from IDE / editor choice and it’s add-ons to acceptance testing of the WordPress project. As a WordPress developer I spend a lot of time writing code and researching for tools that will allow me to automate the simple tasks and be able to focus on the hard ones. Hope sharing my experience will be useful for other developers too.

What Happens After Launch?

Full Title: What Happens After Launch? Becoming a Rockstar at Support, Management, and Infrastructure for WordPress

Maintenance is great for seeking a bit more life out of your dishwasher, but it’s not the right approach for you business or for your website.

For many agencies and freelancers, the post-launch support, updates, and minor changes that come up during the life of a WordPress-site are the most taxing, boring, and inconvenient part of the job. It’s not glamorous and rarely is there so much as a ‘thank you’ from the client.

Come find out why web infrastructure is mission-critical, how the challenges can be overcome both technically and financially, and why the term web ‘maintenance’ is completely inadequate for today’s savvy online website owners.

This session includes both practical concepts for managing version-controlled web environments with requirements for multiple web teams and philosophical arguments for why this is even a thing in the first place.

From Call Centre to Automattic

Coming from a non-IT background, three years ago, I found myself working in an Italian call centre. During the course of three years, I started working on freelance projects, I led ManageWP’s Customer happiness team, and I got a job of a Happiness Engineer at Automattic.

My talk is to motivate and inspire WordPress enthusiasts to always look for more and to never stop learning. With an iron will, a bit of luck, and nerves of steel, everybody can contribute and make a difference. True story!

The importance of being first

Why innovation is important for business and marketing?

It’s better to be first than it is to be better. It’s much easier to get into the mind first than to try to penetrate an existing market.

If you can’t be first in a category, set up a new category you can be first in.

Story of ManageWP and other products that created their own markets.

Growth methodologies in a distributed environment

Testing activities are effective only under strict circumstances. When I started my adventure at Automattic, the welcome message was: “Welcome to the chaos”. This presentation narrates the journey we had to conduct to implement strict growth methodologies in a distributed environment.

How WordPress changed the face of Croatian politics

The basic idea of WordPress was to redefine online publishing with allowing anyone to easily publish their articles. More than 10 years later, we used WordPress as an open source publishing platform to build a website for one of the largest cities in Croatia.

I’ll tell you a story of how the city of Rijeka decided to go with open source software and how the people reacted to a fact that everything will be open sourced as well. One of the first large-scale “design in the open” projects in Croatia is defining standards for future web development. We’re discussing the web design process, sharing knowledge with the public and asking citizens to be a part of the redesign effort.

By delivering designs, HTML and CSS, WordPress theme and documents like Content Strategy and Accessibility Guidelines – we’re redefining how the public website should look like. And with the help of WordPress, we’re promoting the power of publishing and transparency.

Serbia and Croatia share similar transparency problems and we can only start to solve them if we step out from our comfort zone. And not only us, but the local governments as well. It can be done, though – if we invest in it – so we can make a better world for our children.

Developing WordPress plugins

I’ll be speaking about best ways to develop WordPress plugins, current state of WP plugin repo, and offer additional tips, tricks and share my experiences